

CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE. Dr. Gupta says, no one must die of cancer except out of carelessness; (1) First step is to stop all sugar intake, without sugar in your body, cancer cell would die a natural death. (2) Second step is to blend a whole lemon fruit with a cup of hot water and drink it for about 1-3 months first thing before food and cancer would disappear, research by Maryland College of Medicine says, it's 1000 times better than chemotherapy. (3) Third step is to drink 3 spoonfuls of organic coconut oil, morning and night and cancer would disappear, you can choose any of the two therapies after avoiding sugar. Ignorance is no excuse. "Dr. Guruprasad Reddy B V, OSH STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY MOSCOW, RUSSIA Tips to prevent cancer: Drinking hot lemon water can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar. Hot lemon water is more beneficial than cold lemon water. Both yellow n purple sweet potato have good cancer prevention properties. ✍ 01. ✍ Often taking late night dinner

Windows Holographic to arrive on all Windows 10 devices

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting technologies that's currently being developed, but its potential is far greater than we currently realize. Oculus and Samsung make devices that try to completely immerse the user into a different world, but Microsoft has a different idea, which some would call a lot more practical. The company is working on perfecting something called "Mixed reality", which will break the barriers between our physical world and virtual reality. In order to create applications capable of creating this mixed reality the IT giant uses a series of tools called  Microsoft Holographic . According to an announcement that was posted yesterday on  the official Windows blog , Microsoft is opening up Windows Holographic to the partner ecosystems. This means that the platform, which includes a holographic shell and interaction model, perception APIs, and Xbox Live services will be available on every device out there. Furthermore, developers will be a

Netflix Launches In 130 New Countries, Including India But Not China

U.S. movie streaming giant Netflix just dropped the hammer and opened its service in 130 new countries, including India and Russia — but crucially not China. These  new markets  take Netflix, which claims 70 million customers, to more than 190 countries worldwide. The surprise reveal  came at CES 2016, where the company had expected to announce its long-awaited entry into India. Well, it did that, and then some. The move was unexpected since Netflix had slowly been building its coverage up over recent years,  foraying into Asia Pacific for the first time in 2015 . Now, it has just opened its service up in some of the world’s largest countries — including India, Russia and Indonesia — just like that, coming good on its  previously communicated aggressive global expansion plan . There was  plenty of speculation  last year about whether the company would enter China. Netflix was reportedly in talks with Alibaba about a potential partnership, but that alliance seemed less like

She's 46? Jennifer Lopez looks half her age in super tight mini dress

The 46 year old looked half her age  and smoldered in a navy blue Thierry Mugler dress  as she stepped out to judge the final season of American Idol Philadelphia auditions on yesterday.

Philips Hue Go Offers Smart Lighting Without The Cord

Philips has a new addition to their Hue smart lighting system: The  Hue Go , a portable light that packs three hours of use on a full charge before it needs to be plugged in again. The Hue Go has a single button that offers local control over light tone and dynamic effects, as well as a low power standby mode and auto dimming to maximize usage on the go.

Mozilla Wants To Bring Virtual Reality To The Browser

Last summer, Mozilla launched a very experimental version of Firefox with support for  web-based virtual reality apps  that could be experienced through the Oculus Rift. Earlier this week, support for WebVR also  landed  in Firefox’s Nightly and Developer Edition release channels.

Bill Gates Drinks Faeces Water

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done to promote a cause? Maybe you participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS last year, and had an ice cold bucket of water dumped over your head (while on camera, of course). Maybe you distributed information around your neighborhood. Maybe you organized a food drive to help those less fortunate during the Christmas season. When we want to bring awareness to a cause that’s near and dear to our hearts, we’re often willing to do what others think is crazy and outlandish – but where do you draw the line? Or, let me rephrase the question: If you were promoting water filtration, would you drink a glass of water made from human feces? Yes? No way – gross!? Maybe? Whether you and I would or not, it’s  exactly what Microsoft founder Bill Gates did , and he even went as far as to say it even compared to the best water he’d ever tasted. It’s getting him a lot of publicity, which is exactly what he was trying to do in the first place.