
Showing posts from August, 2014

Pics: GEJ on the phone encouraging U20 Falconets to go for gold tomorrow

President Jonathan, who is currently in Germany, is pictured above speaking on the phone with Nigeria's U20 Falconets who are participating in the 2014 FIFA Under-20 Women's World Cup in Montreal, Canada.

Getting My Brain Back

I can’t do it anymore. This has been a summer of social media. I’ve used it endlessly, made plans on it, chatted, read it religiously, and watched countless friends and friends of friends go on vacation. I’ve played a game of whack-a-mole with LinkedIn invitations and I’ve streamlined my automatic Tweeting systems. I’ve watched the world buzz by 140 characters at a time. I’ve seen hundreds of beautiful photos of beaches and old castles and bars and beers and whiskeys and sandwiches and endless  cats  and I don’t want to see any more. I’m done. I’m taking my brain back.

Do Software Engineers Get Enough Respect?

“For software engineers, life must seem like it keeps getting better,”  cheerleads CNet. Glassdoor agrees: our median salary is now  $85K , and  six figures  in San Francisco. (Which actually seems low to me.) And  everyone  predicts that demand for our talents is  skyrocketing . So what is one to make of  a recent claim that , as a class, we are downtrodden, disrespected, and disenfranchised? …Actually, the guy kind of has a point.

This Real-Time Projected CGI Makeup Is Beautiful And Terrifying

CGI has come a long way – from simulating Jar Jar Binks on the silver screen to replacing green screens with King’s Landing. Today, we should add  this video  to the progression. Producer and technical director Nobumichi Asai has used a projection technology called Omote to project makeup onto a live model’s face.

Microsoft Azure’s Cloud Services And Virtual Machines Experience “Service Interruption”

Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing service is experiencing uptime issues around the world. According to the Microsoft Azure status dashboard, ‘virtual machines,’ ‘backup,’ and ‘cloud services’ are the heaviest hit.

Autopsy results is out. Robin Williams hanged himself with a belt

The autopsy report of legendary actor Robin Williams is out - he committed suicide by hanging himself with a belt in his home. But before using the belt, Robin had tried to kill himself by slitting his wrist with a pocket knife. When that suicide attempt failed, he used a belt. According to the Marin County Deputy Coroner, Robins Williams was at home alone Monday when he tried slashing his left wrist, but it only left "acute superficial cuts. He then took a belt, tied it around his neck and secured it between the closet door and door frame. Williams was in a seated position, slightly suspended with his right shoulder against the door. " TMZ reports. He didn't leave a suicide note...

US Ebola patient Dr. Kent Brantly speaks out - read his statement

Dr. Kent Brantly, one of the two US doctors who contracted the Ebola virus in Liberia, has spoken out for the first time. He released a statement from his isolation room at Emory University in Atlanta where he's being treated after he was flown out of Liberia last week. He is the first Ebola patient that the drug ZMapp was used on. Below is the statement Dr Brantly released to the media yesterday... “I am writing this update from my isolation room at Emory University Hospital, where the doctors and nurses are providing the very best care possible. I am growing stronger every day, and I thank God for His mercy as I have wrestled with this terrible disease. I also want to extend my deep and sincere thanks to all of you who have been praying for my recovery as well as for Nancy and for the people of Liberia and West Africa.

Must read: US State Department Ebola Alert

If you want to know more about the Ebola virus, then read this alert from the US Embassy here in Nigeria ... In order to help our Embassy Community better understand some of the key points about the Ebola virus we have consulted with our medical specialists at the U S State Department and assembled this list of bullet points worded in plain language for easy comprehension. Our medical specialists remind everyone that they should be following the guideline from the center for Disease Control and the World Health Organisation. • The suspected reservoirs for Ebola are fruit bats. • Transmission to humans is thought to originate from infected bats or primates that have become infected by bats. • Undercooked infected bat and primate (bush) meat transmits the virus to humans. • Human to human transmission is only achieved by physical contact with a person who is acutely and gravely ill from the Ebola virus or their body fluids.  Continue...